Simplify DeFi with Alice AI's Type Commands and Alpha Tracking Features

Swap, snipe or bridge with just a type , and track the pulse of crypto market with real-time influencer insights. All within one platform.

CA: 0x405154cfaf5ea4ef57b65b86959c73dd079fa312

Simplify DeFi with Alice AI's Type Commands and Alpha Tracking Features

Swap, snipe or bridge with just a type , and track the pulse of crypto market with real-time influencer insights. All within one platform.

CA: 0x405154cfaf5ea4ef57b65b86959c73dd079fa312

About Alice AI

Meet Alice AI :

Streamline your Defi transactions and market analysis through intuitive Type AI commands and comprehensive influencers Alpha Tracking.

Designed for both seasoned traders and newcomers, our platform turns complexity into simplicity.


Type AI Commands

With Alice, complex transactions become as simple as texting. Swap, snipe, and bridge in seconds with text based commands.

Alpha Tracking

Follow crypto trends and track twitter influencers with real-time updates.

Smart AI Recommendations

Get personalized crypto insights and tips from our AI.

Revenue Sharing

Buy $ALICE tokens, stake them on our staking Dapp and earn rewards as part of our rewards and revenue-sharing model.


Discover the convenience of having a comprehensive crypto assistant by your side. With Alice Bot, you can:


Discover the convenience of having a comprehensive crypto assistant by your side. With Alice Bot, you can:

Token Details

Token Name




Native Network


Max Supply

100 Million $ALICE tokens

Token Distribution

Marketing + CEX




Staking Rewards


Token Tax

5% on buy and sell


Phase 1: Prelaunch

Phase 2: Launch

Phase 3: Growth

© 2023 Alice Ai All Rights Reserved

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